This article was created by the team and is provided to help our fellow farmers and ranchers. We would appreciate the opportunity to help with your cattle weighing needs!

CattleMax and Tru-Test Stick Readers

Directions on importing your cattle's EID and Visual tags from CattleMax to your Tru-Test SRS2i or XRS2i Stick Reader. Be sure your SRS2i or XRS2i EID reader has the latest Firmware on it. Once you connect it to the Data Link software, go under Tools and then Updates. Let the update take place before you try to upload your information.


From your CattleMax account, you will need to create a report of "Active Cattle," this will include all cows, bulls, and calves.

Make sure you have the Ear Tag and EID in the report, nothing else will matter for the SRS2i or XRS2i. To help save time you should Customize the report to have the EID in the first column and Ear Tag in the second column.

You will need to Export that file to Excel. Once in Excel, you will need to change the headings to match what is in the Data Link App. Which is EID for Electronic ID and VID for Ear Tag.

Now you will need to open Data Link and plug your SRS2i or XRS2i reader into a USB port using the cord that came with the reader. You will get a screen like this:

Click on the icon I have circled which will give you the following screen:

Be sure to take the second choice of Cross-reference file. Click Next, and it will ask you for the file you created from CattleMax. Once you choose that file, it will be uploaded to the SRS2i or XRS2i reader. You will see the list of EIDs and VIDs listed on your screen in the Data Link software. Then all you have to do is scan a tag; you will see the EID and the VID under it on the reader.